

Making Money Smarter™

24x7 Marketplace

Avant-Garde.com™ services are designed from the get go to power economies.

Every aspect of the cycle from selling and purchasing and the resources going into the product and the capital necessary for creating and building the product.

The 24x7 Marketplace enables you to Make Money Smarter through digital transactions not only on Avant-Garde, but also on your own site and bespoke public and private venues and events, not to mention those discovered via Hashtag.com and Registrar.com searches.

Intelligent Assistants Inside

Quest Day & Night

Avant-Garde's 24x7 Marketplace automatically helps you create quests, and if you like organize and coordinate guilds to pursue your quests.

Let There Be Fun

Quests not only power economies they accelerate progress. Designing fun quests helps you not only earn, it powers collective growth.

Easy To Get Rolling

Avant-Garde Quests leverage the Convivs platform's identity and search capabilities. Add yourself for an invite.

Yummy Royalties

Royalties Protocol enables you and other artists and vendors to automatically retain royalties on your works as they're sold... and again resold.

Avant-Garde API

There's a ProtocolKit™ for that. Tap into the power of Convivial Intelligent Assistants in building and distributing Quests for fans and prospects.

Expert Help

Convivs membership is diverse in many ways, from devs to artists to metrics / strategy gurus, there's folks here to help you build quests.